Making Malt Liquor at Monticello
Thomas Jefferson thought whiskey was harmful to the country. Together with enslaved brewer Peter Hemings, he experimented with making less potent drinks.
Thomas Jefferson’s Gourmand Explorers
Jefferson’s government organized several western expeditions. Some carried luxurious supplies of food, some enjoyed local hospitality, and some nearly starved to death.
What Are We to Make of Thomas Jefferson?
There is perhaps no more enigmatic figure in American history than Thomas Jefferson, born April 13, 1743. How should his legacy be understood today?
The Venerable Tradition of the Presidential Sex Scandal
Americans have been obsessed with the sexual character and moral rectitude, or lack thereof, of politicians from the beginning.
Is the “Alt-Right” The Grandchild of the Old Right?
The political term "alt-right" is all the rage now, but it's not so clear what it means. Looking at one of its antecedents may help.
Publishing the Presidents
President Obama made news for being the first President to publish a scholarly article while in office. Many past Presidents can be found in JSTOR.
The First Ugly Election: America, 1800
The 1800 election saw America’s first contested presidential campaigns: Thomas Jefferson vs. John Adams.
Who Wrote the Declaration of Independence?
The Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Thomas Jefferson was not then credited with its authorship.
The Origins of American Law Schools
When did law schools become a fixture in the training of elite Americans?