American flag in front of a chalkboard

Patriotism and History Class

The question of what, exactly, history class is for and what that has to do with patriotism goes back more than a century.
Chalkboard drawing of man's evolution

Democracy vs. Scientists: The Case of Evolution in Schools

Scientific expertise sometimes clashes with policy-making when it comes to teaching evolution in schools
A student puts her head in her hands as she looks down at the assignment in front of h

Is Common Core Doomed?

Is there still hope for Common Core Standards? And what will make them effective?
Portrait of back - Children are raised hands in classroom. 


Does Common Core Math Work?

(This is the first post in a four-part series about Common Core) Why is my kid’s math homework ...
A group of elementary school aged students working on an assignment together

Tackling Racism in School Discipline

Skyline High School in Oakland, California addressed serious racial disparities in school discipline, with students leading the way.