A 3D model of Ultima Thule

What’s in a (Planet) Name?

Planet names must be 16 letters or less, preferably one word, non-offensive, and not too similar to an existing one.
A Mission STS-116 spacewalk

Is Space Too Crowded for NASA?

NASA's retirement of the space shuttle, along with the increase of commercial space firms, have ushered in a second space age. Is NASA still relevant?
An explosion on Earth

Understanding Planet-Wide Danger

The way Americans metabolized the global threat of nuclear war has had lasting effects on how we think about our newest global threat: climate change.
Buzz Aldrin and the U.S. Flag on the Moon

Should the Moon Landing Site Be a National Historic Landmark?

Some archaeologists argue it’s essential to preserve the history of lunar exploration. But would it represent a claim of U.S. sovereignty over the moon?
A constellation of satellites

Losing the Night Sky

Does an increase in satellites mean we soon won't be able to see the stars?
Suprematist Painting (with Black Trapezium and Red Square) by Kazimir Malevich

Dreaming of Spaceflight in 1920s Russia

Early in the 20th century, Cosmism was all the rage in Russia, inspiring a utopian and mystical view of interstellar travel.
Space rocks floating in space as a spacecraft shines a light towards them

Kuiper Belt Objects Are as Mysterious as They Are Distant

Recently the New Horizons spacecraft made the first flyby of a Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) in the extreme outer solar system. What do we know about KBOs?
A meteor striking earth

How to Avoid a Meteor

It isn’t likely that Earth will be hit by a large meteor, but if it were, the results would be catastrophic.
An artist's rendering of space travel

The “Real” Warp Drive

Sure, it sounds like science fiction. But some researchers suggest that warp drives might actually be a possibility.
An ancient supernova

Can a Supernova Cause Mass Extinction?

Since the 1950s, scientists have been proposing supernovae as catalysts for mass extinctions. But can it be proven?