What Makes Fish Swim Fast
How do fish swim? Having fins and tails help, But it takes more than that to be fast and avoid danger. Diving into fish physics.
The Quest for A Faster Marathon
How big a difference does air resistance make when running a marathon? Nike tried to find out recently. A look at the science behind the 2-hour marathon.
Why No One Believed Einstein
Einstein's theory of relativity presented a direct challenge to the notion of ether.
What Makes Your Roller Coaster Go? Physics!
The physics behind the fun: roller coasters provide so many examples of basic principles that they are a staple of physics lessons.
How Francis Crick Almost Didn’t Make His Huge DNA Discovery
British biologist Francis Crick co-published a paper on the helical structure of DNA some fifty years ago. He followed a convoluted route to this discovery.
Who was Max Planck?
Max Planck was a German physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.
General Relativity 100 Years On
Einstein's groundbreaking theory of general relativity has remained an essential hallmark of modern physics.
I ❤ Physics: A Love Story
I could not bring myself to accept string theory’s claim, often presented as a scientific fact, that there are exactly 11 dimensions.
The Search For Antimatter
Physicists, in recent years, have been trying to find evidence of antimatter in the universe. Its existence could overturn the Big Bang theory.
Entanglement: A Milestone for Quantum Mechanics
Advances in quantum mechanics has proved the existence of entanglement, a principle even Einstein had a hard time swallowing.