Minding Tourism’s Communication Gap
Tourism is Iceland’s biggest industry, but tourists and staff are increasingly threatened by extreme weather linked to climate change. How to keep everyone safe?
The Paris Agreement: Annotated
Adopted by almost 200 parties at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference, the Paris Agreement captures international ambitions for cooperative climate action.
Masterpiece Theater
Climate activist attacks on works by van Gogh, Vermeer, and other art world titans are the latest in a tradition of destruction that hearkens to the early Christian zealots.
Why Did They Leave the Pueblos?
The Ancestral Puebloans were driven from their homes in the American Southwest by a combination of factors rather than a single cause.
Ecosystems and Extreme Weather Events
Cyclones, droughts, and other severe climate events produce a variety of ecological responses, some of them irreversible.
A Return To Nineteenth-Century Style Regulation?
In an era of laissez-faire governance, a growing number of federal and state regulations were justified as necessary to protect public health and morality.
How Much Does It Cost to Reduce Carbon Emissions?
Analyses including both static and dynamic costs can help us make better decisions while developing technologies to address climate change.
Improving Communications Around Climate Change
How can scientists better explain the potential hazards of sea-level rise to historic coastal communities?
Turf Algae and Kelp Forests
Structurally complex kelp forests, pushed beyond their tipping points, are being replaced by mat-like, low-structure turf algae around the world.
Can We Cool Warming Cities?
The new, hotter normal requires urban planners and city governments to consider heat hazards when creating climate action plans.