Penguins in Antarctica

Antarctic Ice Reveals Temporary Side Effect of Carbon Pollution: Happy Plants

The rate of photosynthesis has increased dramatically over the past century. Plants have been shielding us from some of the effects of climate change.
Jellyfish bloom

The Global Jellyfish Crisis in Perspective

Are the increasing jellyfish blooms in our oceans the result of global temperature changes?
Ocean currents map

Could Climate Change Alter the Ocean’s Currents?

What do currents do anyway? What would happen if they stopped?
rising sea levels

Sea Level Rise Is Already Here

For the 44% of the world's population that lives near the coastline, global climate change is no longer abstract. 
Trumpeter swan

Climate Change’s Winners?

Climate change may be helping some species thrive. But as evidenced by cephalopods and swans, where one species wins, another loses.
Aerial view of the Gulf of Mexico

Our Oceans Are Suffocating

The oceans can’t catch a break. To rising temperatures and acidification caused by rising CO2 emissions, add oxygen deprivation .
Spiral of Plankton in Indian Ocean

The Effects of El Niño You Never Hear About

El Niño is a complex series of weather patterns that arises in the Pacific, influencing weather phenomena around the world. But what's it doing to plankton?
Methane Gas Exhaust Pipe

The Not-So-Clean Side of Natural Gas

Methane leaks are a serious but oft-overlooked cause of pollution.
Mycorhizae fungus

Climate Change, Fungal Change

Climate change is having an effect on the fungal communities in the soil that trees and other plants depend on. 
Rings of a tree

What Tree Rings Tell Us About the Climate

Tree rings provide scientists with helpful clues regarding the planet's climate patterns, past and present.