Planet Earth from Space

Climate Change: A Syllabus

A selection of stories to foster dialogue among students both inside and outside of the classroom.
From left to right: Lorna Dee Cervantes, Rubén Darío, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Eugenio Montejo, Delmira Agustini

10 Poems for National Hispanic Heritage Month

One of the most meaningful ways to celebrate the month between September 15 and October 15 may be to lend our attention to verse.
Opening title from Night of the Living Dead

The Summer Blockbusters of JSTOR Daily

Our favorite stories about popcorn movies! There may or may not be explosions.
Three cats singing by Louis Wain

Six Cat Poems That Aren’t That Owl and Pussycat One

There's nothing practical about these felines. Meow.
An illustration of a revolver

Guns in America: Foundations and Key Concepts

This non-exhaustive list of readings on the role of guns in US history and society introduces the field as a subject of scholarly inquiry.
A portrait of Audre Lorde from the cover of the July/August 1988 issue of WomaNews

Ten Poems by Audre Lorde

The esteemed poet is author of Sister Outsider, one title on the Schomburg Black Liberation Reading List. Read free related content on JSTOR.
James Baldwin

LGBTQ Pride Month

June is LGBTQ Pride Month, so JSTOR Daily gathered some of our favorite stories to celebrate. All with free and accessible scholarly research.
An octopus

A Little Light Reading

The content you need right the heck now. Have a great long weekend!
A view of part of the Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim on January 28, 2020 in Maale Adumim, West Bank.

Settlements and the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Background Reading

Scholarship about Israeli settlement in occupied Palestinian territories provides historical context for recent violence in the region.
Employees of Ottenheimer on strike for poor treatment

The Global History of Labor and Race: Foundations and Key Concepts

How have workers around the world sought to change their conditions, and how have racial divisions affected their efforts?