A dead whale being cleaned by whalers

Germs, Charisma, and the Legacy of Whaling

Well-researched stories from Vox, The Atlantic, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Four teeth on a yellow background

Root Canals, Cargo Cults, and Laser Mapping Notre Dame

Well-researched stories from Topic, Scientific American, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
First image of a black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope. The object M87* is located at the heart of distant galaxy Messier 87.

Black Holes, Plastic Bags, and AI Diets

Well-researched stories from The Cut, Hakai Magazine, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A kitten on a bed

Cat Names, Doubt Machines, and Christianity’s Future

Well-researched stories from Scientific American, Fivethirtyeight, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A woman's hand against a border wall

Border Walls, Trigger Warnings, and Tantra

Well-researched stories from Scroll.in, the Washington Post, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A grazing cow

CRISPR Cows, Unscientific Medicine, and New Nuclear Energy

Well-researched stories from Wired, Pacific Standard, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
University of Texas at Austin

Admissions Cheating, Fake Voices, and Inuit Parenting

Well-researched stories from NPR, The Cut, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
An iceberg in the ocean

Arctic Ice, Dead Whales, and Cycles of Abuse

Well-researched stories from Aeon, Slate, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
The sun setting in a cloudless sky

Cloud Loss, Nuclear War, and Trauma

Well-researched stories from Quanta, Aeon, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
An illustration of potatoes

Potato Words, Flaming Grapes, and Desegregation

Well-researched stories from Massive Science, Vox, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.