The Earliest Stars
Astronomers who noticed a slight blip in space's background radiation got an insight not just into the early stars but into the age and nature of the early universe.
Converting Tobacco Fields into Solar Farms Can Save Half a Million Lives a Year
The cost of generating solar power has dropped so dramatically, it is now economically advantageous for tobacco farmers to replace tobacco with solar farms in many places.
Why Facebook Can Be Good For Your Health
Is Facebook bad for your mental health? Researchers have been studying the profound impact social bonds can have on health since the 1970s.
Do We Still Need to Worry About the Hole in the Ozone Layer?
The world tends to forget about the annual ozone hole that appears over Antarctica, though we're facing huge and complex environmental concerns.
Supermalaria, Disaster Testing, and a Drop in Antibiotics Use
A new drug-resistant malaria strain is spreading in South-East Asia. Farmers may be using fewer anti-biotics. Engineers are studying national disasters.
Rat Wars, Radiation Leaks, and Other Dirty Secrets
This week in sustainability news: rats v. kiwis, radiation links in midcentury Soviet Union, and an American town with no running water.
Ecolabels, Plastic-Eating Corals, and Vanishing Cars
Are corals digesting plastic? Are gasoline cars about to disappear from our roads? Does the ecolabel on your frozen salmon mean your dinner is sustainable?
War Has Made Afghanistan’s $1 Trillion in Minerals Worthless
Developing rare earth mining in Afghanistan has been a potential objective since the USGS estimated the country had $1 trillion in mineral ore deposits.
The Rise of the City Bee—How Urbanites Built the 21st-Century Apiculture
Urban apiculture is a booming trend. But many metropolitan beekeepers also believe that bees fare better in cities than they do in the countryside.
Epic Cleanups: Hurricane Sandy, Nuclear Waste, and Oil Spills
From oil spills to nuclear waste, humans are good at making epic messes. Sometimes we come up with clean up ideas and sometimes we neglect repairs entirely.